Leadership Pain


Leadership Pain by Sam Chand (Discounted to $3.99 on Amazon) is a must read for everyone who desires to lead, spearheading much needed change in any organization. Pain is inevitable, so preparation makes all the difference going into any change process.

  • Do you want to be a better leader? Raise the threshold of your pain.

  • Do you want your church to grow or your business to reach higher goals? Reluctance to face pain is your greatest limitation.

In Leadership Pain, Samuel Chand—best-selling author recognized as "the leader's leader"— illustrations and practical advice to help leaders gain perspective, realize that they are not alone and that much of the resistance to change can be anticipated.

Sam details the warts and hurts that go with leadership, while maintaining a healthy understanding the privilege of leadership and the power of tenacity of change agents.

I found myself identifying with the honest and open testimonies of world class leaders like Craig Groeschel, Benny Perez, Mike Kai, Lisa Bevere, Mark Chironna, Dale Bronner, Philip Wagner and Michael Pitts. It also caused me to realize that the challenges I have faced and the pain I have endured is real, but not as extreme as others have endured.

Somehow that makes me feel better.

Bottom line: if you're not hurting, you're not leading.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Pain is a part of progress. Anything that grows experiences some pain. If I avoid all pain, I’m avoiding growth.

Growth = Change; Change = Loss; Loss = Pain; Thus, Growth = Pain

But pain isn’t the enemy. The inability or unwillingness to face pain is a far greater danger.


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